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Agnishatdal Kartik 1426 critique by Labanya

Agnishatdal Kartik 1426
Critique by Labanya

Agnishatdal 10th Quarterly Durgapuja 2019 1426
Agnishatdal Kartik 1426, October 2019
Agnishatdal Kartik 1426, October 2019
Agnishatdal 10th Quarterly Durgapuja 2019 1426

Hi friends, I did collect the entire stories from the editor, in case you are thinking I started reading midway

Kalipuja by Labanya: This was my first work for the Ezine hope you liked it.

Berlin 2: Part 7 by Brieuc Martin Onraet: I really love the way Mr. Onraet writes, his way of writing is thoroughly enjoyable and this one shares so much about world war era that it is quite enriching too. Not in a pleasant way but enriching anyways. Thanks for this beautiful piece Mr. Onraet.

Games Ghost Play 1 by Raghunandan Kuppuswamy: Love spooky stories, but this one sounds more fun than spooky, a dead man walking towards you in broad daylight! I wonder what will happen next.

Shad 3 by Troy David Loy: I am quite a big fan of science fiction stories, the one I can understand I mean. Mr. Loy’s story is very well written, he has captured the essence of science fiction quite well it seems. Well I will have to read a few more before passing a serious verdict.

Happiness is a minority by Dom Collucci: Very wise and beautiful poem by Mr. Collucci, not everyone is blessed with a happy soul! Most of us are too busy chasing our dreams and other things that we forget to enjoy life! Blessed are those who have distanced themselves from unnecessary things and are enjoying life. Great poem Mr. Collucci!

Bitter Pill dose 24 by Bitter Pill: Religion: Well even though it is a part of a series but it is complete in itself, and I believe even though the intentions of religion were not bad but human beings have twisted it for worse!

Clippings by Freya Pickard: This sounds like a great newsletter, I will subscribe or ask Agni to give me her copies!

The Drovers by Pat Ritters: Well I collected the full story from Agni, this is a story I am not going to miss, or read partly, my knowledge about Australia is limited to its exotic animals and birds, they have always fascinated me but I was absolutely ignorant about its people, now it is time to learn something about them.

Dirkball 7 by Robert Sherriff: Cute painting, will be checking out rest of his books.

Farce in the name of justice 1 : Saptarchi: This is a story of world lately, whistleblowers are punished severely so that no one tries to follow their path, but tyrants they will! No matter how much you crush people some will protest and expose you!

In the end I will talk about Agni’s works in short-I have been requested by her to do that, to highlight the work of other authors in Agnishatdal, I will talk about her works in Agnijaat.

I love the simple paintings, I wish I could use mouse like that! I quite enjoyed the treats section, the articles are very short some are mere thoughts but that is fine for me, I rather love to dig myself too, more than reading it from someone else. I hate cooking so I am not going to try the recipe! I rarely watch youtube but I will try the names she has talked about.

Loved the story from Agnimalya, there is no such thing as shortcut to wealth. Those who think are either super lucky or super cursed! In this case cursed! Same about the story from purana- Agastya was quite a famous sage and we all have read his stories as kids!

I will have to grab the rest of the ancient religions, this one was pretty interesting. I love reading these things!

That is it I guess! See you again in Agrahayan, and thank you Agni/Sharmishtha for translating my works!

Yours sincerely,


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