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Agnijaat Ashar 1426, June 2019 critique by Troy

Agnijaat Ashar 1426 Critique:

Agnijaat Ashar 1426, June 2019

Vanakkam! Naandaan Troy. Here is the critique for Agnijaat Ashar, 1426. I hope this month finds you in livable temperatures and good spirits. As we wait here at the old volcano lair for a deal on it to relocate to just off the Gulf Coast, I’m working on a few projects which I hope to complete by year’s end, especially research on South Indian culture for a novella I’m working on, which will take three years to complete! So read on!

Shubho Gurupurnima*
Here’s a cool image, showing Lord Shiva as the first guru, instructing pupils at the first ashram This one makes good use of shadowing to show the students, with what appear to be Himalayas and their snowy peaks in the background.

Indie Author Speaks: Few Tips – 2:
The authoress notes four stages of her life as a writer and author, the challenges those four stages present for creativity, and her recognition by an ever-wider circle of readers and fellow writers!

From the Quill of Femme Sole: Single life:
The authoress notes the benefits of remaining single in a world of destructive shady types. Agreed. For my own part, there is value in remaining unattached when there are other things to concern oneself with.

Foods served in train:
Here is noted the poor quality of railway food; poor enough to barely qualify as food, a most unpleasant eating experience. Yech!

Happiness Skills….36: Test Them:
It’s always good to test claims to see how well they’re supported by reality, and this is one such way, to test the professed love of Machiavellian types who profess overmuch!

India THEN: History of Goa 4: Printing Press:
Here is a mixed bag when it came to Portuguese rule, the upsides and downsides of the first printing press in Goa.The Goa Civil Code, meticulous record keeping, and architectural structures lasting to this day. Fascinating!

My Pen: Mother Earth’s Verdict:
Might there be a link between corrupt politicians and blistering hot weather in India? Not so far fetched, when those politicians favor polluting industries that contribute to climate change and its resultant global warming. No matter one’s country of residence, we all share the same atmosphere! Greed and shortsightedness are doing the very next best thing to angering the planet; oh, it will survive, but will we, and the other life that sustains us?

Here is a good group with memorable songs, and an interesting and tumultuous time together as a band. I do remember from my late teens seeing the first Dune movie, where lead singer Sting played the role of villain Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. That was the one high point of the film.

Sweet Memories – Garden:
Gardens are wonderful when they can be had, and here the authoress tells of the beauty in blossoms of any sort, however plain or simple!

Gupt Navratri:
Cool! Here is discussed some celebrations I’ve never heard of before now. It’s good to know of these, and the fascinating connections we can draw of the conjunction of our birthdays and special occasions!

Theme for Ashar:
This time, it’s Mountains, with the verse used being cinqku, haiku, cinquain, quintilla, quintain followed by diamond and seventeen poems, on the size, icy peaks, nearby lakes, resident life, and the passage of dawn where these great landforms rest! Each verse is accompanied by a cool digital painting.

Fir Milenge (Till we meet again)*
A boat on a river, with a luminary that could be the sun in the day, or the moon at night. My brain keeps trying to convince me it’s the moon, which could be the result of the colors chosen for the river itself, and the blue of the sky. Nice though!

Golden Boy:
Here’s a set of cartoons featuring the entries in the diary of a repeatedly heartbroken young man and terrible loss in his futile search for true love.

Circle…. It never ends…
A digital painting of a bungalow amid greenery and what could be a mountain in the distance or a hill closer up. Still, a simple but lovely image.

So, take care as the year goes on, and be safe, be well, be brilliant as the stars; in abbreviated

Tf. Tk. Tts!


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