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Agnishatdal Boisakh 1426 critique by editor Sharmishtha Basu


Agnishatdal Boisakh 1426, April 2019
Agnishatdal Book 9, 25she boisakh 1426, 7th May 2019

Agnishatdal Boisakh 1426 ( ) Critique:
By your good old editor, my much cherished critique Troy is really busy these days, so I am picking up the pen and editing the works of my much cherished authors. So the critiques will be short and sweet!

Berlin 2: Part 1 by Brieuc Martin Onraet: Brian is an awesome writer, this month too he is taking us to a trip down the memory lane and a fantastic one. An old photograph of his mom brings memories of old days and a lot of questions too. So this piece left me quite curious to know what mystery he will unravel next month about his mom’s photograph in Air force Uniform.

Fruitful quest by Raghunandan Kuppuswamy: I rather loved this story by our great storyteller Raghu, Raghu’s stories are not only well-written but they have a depth mostly, the thing I love most in stories. The ones that allow you to keep something with you when you have closed the book! This one reminded us the golden truth- wisdom has nothing to do with age! Sometimes kids can be wiser than adults.

Black Dog Night by Troy David Loy: Another masterpiece from king of horrors and sci-fi stories! Troy is really awesome when it comes to scary stories and this one is really spooky. The picture he creates his really vivid and lingers!

As of above by Dom Collucci: Another nugget of wisdom from a man who has seen world up close. His life has been a life of struggle and wisdom, of beauty and thorns, so the words that spin out of his pen are almost always very deep and wise with a touch of Zen!

Bitter Pill dose 18 by Bitter Pill: Religion: Honestly I agree with BP, fanatics and so called skeptics have made religion a taboo lately, discussing it has become quite a dicey case, you never know what will be the reaction of the readers, but people like us who are not fanatic or hyper skeptic, people with open mind SHOULD discuss it. Will be waiting to read what else BP wants to say about religion.

Budapest Missives by Juliette Roques: Juliette is one amazing photographer! This photo has a magical quality, the reflection of the person on the glass creates a really magical effect!

Kaerling 2- The ambassador by Freya Pickard: Freya is a fantastic author, in the book section she is sharing another of her books, Kaerling 2- The ambassador, I have been reading her quarterly for almost an year now and her writing skill is beyond petty words! I am pretty sure you will enjoy all her books if you check out.

Click go the shears by Pat Ritters: Now this is a fresh read for me! Pat is a fantastic author and Australian stories are a brand new read for me. I have read Westerns and I have read about rural Europe but Australia is absolutely new one and Pat is a fantastic story teller. I am thoroughly enjoying his story! They are opening a new world to me and I am loving that!

Dirkball 1 by Robert Sherriff: Robert is the second new author in Ashar, two new members in one month sounds awesome! Right? Robert is sharing beautiful artworks from his storybook “dirkball”, it is for little kids. I love the beautiful sketches a lot! I am sure the book will be worth keeping for adults and kids both!

Impressions by Lisa Ojanpera: I rather love Lisa’s works, here she shares a beautiful photograph of a little child on a beach. The photograph is really beautiful and so is the message.

I believe that will be it for my critique as an editor, you will have to read the rest in Ezine. Of course there is truckloads of more works there!


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