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Agnijaat Shraban 1426, July 2019 critique by Troy

Agnijaat Shraban 1426 Critique:
by Troy David Loy

Agnijaat Shraban 1426, July 2019
Sfulingo Illustrated 3, 17.7.2019
Agnijaat Shraban 1426, July 2019
Agnishatdal Shraban 1426, July 2019

Vanakkam. Naandaan Troy. I’m back this issue, to review Agnijaat’s Shraban 1426 eZine. So, please join me as we take a look at more of the Authoress’ creations!

Indie Author Speaks – Few Tips – 3:
Seeking out our dreams in life is a good thing, but we need financial security as well. Here, we’re given what I think sound advice to keep to what makes us enough to live on while waiting for that one big break in life, which may or may not actually come. So much good fortune is an elusive thing, and we must make do.

From the Quill of Femme Sole: Role Models:
Potential role models are everywhere, so here, we are advised to be choosy, and only select from those who are real people who do real good, not mere celebrities who are famous for being famous, or somesuch!

India now: Cleanness:
The Authoress gives a horror story of nasty critters, and nigh-indestructible ones too! Having been in apartments for many years in a similar predicament, and having engaged in chemical warfare to get rid of them, this feels very close to home, to me literally. I feel the horror, and the disgust, she conveys!

My Pen: Pseudo-scholars
Here, the Authoress gives her view of online video lectures involving one too many scatological references, obscene language, as well as excessive talk of other gross bodily functions as well.

Wicked Animals:
Here the Authoress gives us the top ten creatures, with humans as tenth on the list, that deceptively, and I might add, diabolically, serve as minions and vehicles of ancient spirits and other nasty beings of…pure eeevil! It even now makes me look a little more suspiciously at cute, innocent-looking kitties, especially the tricksy Mister Eccles!

Spotlight on: Rajesh Chaurasia
This is excellent! A good chance discovery, I think as I listen to his work while typing this, with link below. It’s anyone’s guess how long the YouTube post will be still available. It’s good to expose myself to more Classical artists as things go. Good find!

Window to West: Awesome Lorax
Hmm. I’ve enjoyed Dr. Seuss books as a child, and found his character designs fun and whimsical. The Authoress here gives us a film of one of his best characters, though I prefer the original 2-D art style to computer generated imagery. Do give this one a look on your movie rental or streaming platform of choice!

Sweet Memories: fireflies
Fireflies are beautiful at night, and here the Authoress speaks of her experience with them in Kamalpur. it must have been magical to see them swarming in droves in the dark!

Festival This Month: Hariyali Teej
This is kind of cool! I don’t recall hearing about this before! I love reading about Indian festivals, as the very first I found out about is the Tamil festival of Pongal, on an episode of the old Cosmos series in 1980. Sagan was talking about the cosmological ideas of the ancient Indians, mentioning the northward Gupta empire at its height as a golden age of learning and science, and a powerful contributor to what later became Western science.

Theme for Shraban:
With [1] a cinqku on water as the source of life, then [2] a haiku on water’s beauty, [3] a cinquain, on rain over a lake,[4] a quintilla on a browning, dry leaf, [5] a quintain on fishermen going to sea by dawn, [6] a diamond verse on the beauty of sky and ocean, and [7] a seventeen verse, on the duality and oneness of two opposing elements, the theme this month is water, as a crucial part of our planet and its life!

This is it for now. I’m on to review this eZine’s Bhadra 1426 issue, and following that, Ashwin’s!
So, join me next time, and until then…
Vanakkam, and in abbreviated Soruggon…
Tf. Tk. Tts!


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