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Agnishatdal Jyeshtha 1426 critique by editor Sharmishtha Basu


Agnishatdal Jyeshtha 1426 ( ) Critique:
By your good old editor, my much cherished critique Troy is really busy these days, so I am picking up the pen and editing the works of my much cherished authors. So the critiques will be short and sweet!

Berlin 2: Part 2 by Brieuc Martin Onraet: The next piece of the story makes one smile with a hint of tear in heart if not eyes. His hunt for answers takes him to his mom fighting cancer’s final days. She shares with him the background story of photo, exposing a lady of uncommon grit and a dash of mischief!

Faith the secret sauce by Raghunandan Kuppuswamy: This is another beautiful story, loved it, sometimes cheaters do lose! It is good to read these stories in modern world which is really hell-bent to prove that cheaters prosper and honest beg!

The Meera by Troy David Loy: Being a woman who really wishes to be left alone, a desire that is growing stronger with each day I pass in Kolkata the city with worst possible neighbours one can dream of I liked the way the protagonist tackled the pervert! Troy is a great short story writer, even though this one is a part of a longer novel but is pretty good as an independent story.
Two you are one by Dom Collucci: Another Zen poem from Dom, this one is pure Zen and took me several readings to grasp it, even then I am not sure that I got it, but it is beautiful anyways. Try to find your own explanation of the poem and if you want to know the real meaning drop a comment for Dom. He will most probably explain it!

Bitter Pill dose 19 by Bitter Pill: Religion 2: BP in this post says there is a difference between orthodox and fanatic, or semi-orthodox people who love their traditions with all their heart and fanatics. I agree again.

Carolyn’s Tipz by Carolyn Page: Carolyn has given some priceless insight on worrying and how to stop it. Being a worrier I know it is worthless, it only heckles you does nothing good or productive! Her suggestions are great, straight from a very wise heart!

This is me by Freya Pickard: This month Freya talks about her personal world, her long fight with cancer and the tolls it took on her health and life.

Click go the shears 2 by Pat Ritters: Well I am learning a lot about shearers and their strike, this is a brand new knowledge for me and Pat’s great story-telling is an extra bonus. It is too early to say who the protagonist is! The man who was fighting for the shearers! His best friend who did a huge sacrifice to save him, or his girlfriend who was furious at him for allowing that to happen!

Dirkball 2 by Robert Sherriff: Robert is sharing beautiful artworks from his storybook “dirkball”, it is for little kids. I love the beautiful sketches a lot! I am sure the book will be worth keeping for adults and kids both! This month’s sketch is a bunch of cute mice!

Cynicism just another bias 1 by Citizen Null: I quite agree with the views of Citizen Null, like it or not I believe almost all of are biased, to one thing or another so it is really quite brave to openly say I am unbiased! I won’t dare saying that!

I believe that will be it for my critique as an editor for the month of Jyeshtha 1426, you will have to read the rest in Ezine. Of course there is truckloads of more works there!


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