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Agnijaat Chaitra 1425 Critique by Troy

Agnijaat Chaitra 1425 Critique
Agnijaat Chaitra 1425, March 2019

Namaskar. This month’s opening painting shows two lovers playing Holi, one of the festivals for Chaitra! This appears to be Radha and Krishna at play during a moment together, perhaps the very first Holi to be celebrated!

Indie Author Speaks – Pocket Money or More 4
The Authoress discusses the difficulties of affiliate accounts and posting links for online retail sites! Especially with really big online retailers, keeping up profit flow and remaining in the good graces of the business are a must, or else!

There’s a cartoon afterward of a rather lusty toad king who is a little too fond of human girls in his harem! Perhaps his status as a toad is not literal, but a metaphor for a human with the manners and seeming of a toad, and morals matching that seeming.

Hinduism and India – 3:
The Authoress notes something about Hinduism, and it’s consolidation of power over Indian society that seems true of any powerful institution, like religion, when it joins forces with the state: any institution that has power is corruptible and can cause great harm as a result of that. But when religion and the state, each powerful institutions in their own rights, join as one over the whole of society, the potential and risk of corruption and resulting harm increases manyfold. It takes brave and intrepid people to combat this, and in a modern democratic republic, the mobilized political will of ordinary people to make change.

Era of Classics:
Here, the Authoress notes the decline of classic movies, and the sometimes successful, sometimes not, attempt to recapture their feel in modern films.

Indian Raga Now | Runa Laila
Here, we are introduced to a new singer, at least new to many of uis outside India, and after a quick web search I found a link to some of her music:
v=FYeIp_VjnoI This is a fun listen! There’s a strong echoic quality to the music, like a studio broadcast from an old-time late-night radio station, but that in no way detracts from the quality of her singing – it adds to it! The link may have expired, or not, but a quick search for her stuff online is relatively easy.

Spotlight On – Ameen Sayani:
The Authoress gifts us with a luminary of South Asian radio programming, from Radio Ceylon and All-India Radio. His programs archived online will make valuable listening!

Sweet Memories – Books:
Here we are treated to the love of books, not just e-books but those you actually hold in your hands and turn pages in. Books have a look, feel, and smell to them that sometimes e-books don’t! I agree.

Here, we are told about the festival of the Ramayana’s main hero, and the princely virtues he embodied. His devotion to duty would be the envy of many!

Theme for Chaitra: End:
Here, there are two images, a 17-word verse, a 7x2 diamond verse, a story about a widow and a ouija board, freeform verse, and a short essay, and it’s all about endings, of stories and of lives. This points out that to everything there is an end, as this Chaitra is the end of 1425!

So, that’ll be it for the conclusion of BS 1425. Next month, it’ll be time to tackle Agnijaat for the New Year, starting with the month of Boisakh 1426!
I’ll see you then, and in Soruggon: Talotaa frang. Talotaa kas. Talotaa tranga suulaat!


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