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Agnishatdal Ashwin 1427, September 2020 critique by Labanya


Agnishatdal Ashwin 1427 September 2020

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Critique by Labanya

Agnishatdal Ashwin 1427 September 2020

Hi friends, let us begin!

Ashwin issue begins with tribute to Mother Teresa, the things she have done for the poorest of poor in India, especially Kolkata is beyond thanks. May her soul rest in peace in heaven!

The great Indian Nautanki by saptarchi: Well one will say that Corona proved Saptarchi right, we indeed are in the hands of a bunch of clowns who have no capacity of running a huge nation at the time from crisis.

Fogline by Brieuc Martin Onraet 6: Another fun piece on how human beings were made in heaven’s laboratory.

When Gold went on a trip by Raghunandan Kuppuswamy: This was a great story, loved the happy ending.

Meera Chase by Troy David Loy: Another piece on Troy’s favorite, Meera, sounds like an interesting character.

You cannot grasp… by Dom Collucci: another wise and beautiful poem by Dom Collucci.

Bitter Pill dose 35 by Bitter Pill: Secular India 2: Congress have always treated Hindus as step children and minorities as vote bank, it is their fault that India is now being run by fanatics.

Crows 5 by Brendan: Beautiful peace. The feelings of the narrator could be felt so vividly. Well written! A beautiful union of two spirits captured very well.

The Tilbaroo station by Pat Ritters 3: The love between the newly wed is so gently and beautifully described in this piece.


Happy birthday Mr. Loy, May God bless you with a healthy, happy and beautiful life! Have a day filled with love and happiness.

4 lovely shots- from Agni’s August photography loved them all.

It is a very nice gesture to share the request made by her friends in Linkedin, you can never tell who may get interested in one of their offers. I just sifted through them, not into this line so…

Hollywood by Pat Ritter: Sounds like a new type of story.

Pikatron by Troy David Loy sounds like a great reading material with fractals as added beauty!

SBs’ book in amazon, Lucifer’s liegemen sounds like a serious crime novel.

Star of the Month Gauhar Jaan- Will have to check out her songs in YouTube asap.

Star of West Will Smith: Will Smith is pretty cute and have given us some enjoyable movies.

Star of east Smita Patil- A true gem of Hindi art movies.

Youtubia-Ravish Kumar- Watched a few episodes, he is very honest and caring.

Minutes Together: Spice was fun to read.

Loved the Bengali poem and the hindi poem both. Thank you for adding my work Dhaki in your ezine Agni.

Bharat- To leave your kingdom and all your wealth to pursue salvation and getting caught by love for a tiny fawn!

TnW- Love is heaven’s bliss.

Scaredy Stick- True again Mr. Stick, your fears are quite valid.

The sketches all through the ezine were pretty, very colourful and lovely.

That is it I guess! See you again next month, and thank you Agni/Sharmishtha for translating my works!

Yours sincerely,



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