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Agnishatdal Jyeshtha 1428 May 2021 critique by Labanya


Agnishatdal Jyeshtha 1428 May 2021 critique by Labanya

Agnishatdal Jyeshtha 1428 May 2021

Hi friends, let us begin!

Jyeshtha issue begins with a shot from Golconda fort, the tribute this month has been paid to Razia Sultana, it was tragic that she was born in an age ruled by men! I have always admired this lady.

Can I begin again by Scott Hastie: What a beauty!

blackhole by saptarchi: Saptarchi struck the nail right on head when S said that saffron brigade is a blackhole devouring the country.

Fogline by Brieuc Martin Onraet 13: A new story has just begun.

Vela Vela by Vasu Srinivasan translated by Raghunandan Kuppuswamy: Very well written and translated piece, these people certainly earn every penny they earn and more. I wonder how they manage it!

Magna by Troy David Loy: Agni Bose is one of the villains of the story. There is no other way of describing the character. Interesting that he picked up Agni Bose as the name of such a negative character! Looks like Mr. Loy has weakness for south Indians and dislike for us Bongs. What a pity!

Alienated… by Dom Collucci: Beautifully written. Ah! If only we could travel through space!

Bitter Pill dose 42 by Bitter Pill: Press 5: Raveesh Kumar indeed is one of rare honest Indian journalists.

Speechless by Manju Balkrishna: Losing a loved one is horrible tragedy. That loss is never forgotten.

Dream Angel by Pat Ritters 1: Great story-telling, a memoir of Mr. Ritter’s childhood, his parents and grandparents and the stories they told him. It has just begun.


5 lovely shots- loved the nest photo most. It is hard to catch a bird sitting in the nest.

This month Linkedin Requests are worth checking out if you are a writer or artist.

Aura vere by Freya Pickard: Sounds like a good book.

Pikatron by Troy David Loy sounds like a great reading material with fractals as added beauty!

Agnijaat book 15 and Agnishatdal book 15, They will be out this month, and thanks again for the book on my works Agni.

Star of the Month Abida Parveen Great artist, heard her in YouTube.

Star of West Peter Cushing: Another charismatic actor.

Star of east Abanindranath Thakur- I love his stories and paintings both.

Youtubia-Drekster Astral- Will check him out.

Minutes Together: Delay was hilarious!

Loved the Bengali poem and the hindi poem both. Thank you for adding my work summer noon in your ezine Agni and translating it for me.

Hiranyaksha- Interesting story.

TnW- Decide- good suggestion.

Bhandananda- the attitude of politicians perfectly captured.

The sketches all through the ezine were pretty, very colourful and lovely.

That is it I guess! See you again next month, and thank you Agni/Sharmishtha for translating my works!

Yours sincerely,


By the way if you see any other Labanya in Sharmishtha’s social circle that will not be me. I don’t use my pen name [Labanya] in social media, use the real one.


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