The lotus of Fire This book is mostly about God, spiritualism and blessed sides of life, and will stay so, even if I change the contents of the book completely, which I am not planning right now, right now I am only editing and sometimes rewriting old poems and of course I have completely removed the illustrations permanently. So this book will bring a bunch of poems each year revolving around light and God. As you may know it started with my storybooks in 2017, I kept the titles of the books but changed their contents fully, excluding the title stories. I told that I will include the poetry books from next year, here they are from 2018 onwards the contents of the poetry books will change too, most probably every year. In case of poetry books there are no title poems so majority of the contents or all contents will change. Hope you will enjoy them! I really don’t have any intentions of adding more titles in Amazon, I have stuffed up ...