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Agnishatdal Ashar 1425 Critique By Troy David Loy

 Agnishatdal Ashar 1425 Critique By Troy David Loy :
So, let’s take at look at this month’s issue of Agnishatdal
Let us begin…. Our virtual trip to India
This image shows a pair of young women in differing but recognizably Indian dress and hairdos. This is pretty cool, as it shows some of the interesting contrasts in Indian styles, and how difficult it is to generalize on those styles once you know a little more about them!
Shraddarghya – Salutations
Nice image this one, and I’ll take some space here to wish a happy birthday to both Raghunandan, the twin eZines, and the Authoress herself! She has a fractal birthday card heading her way this month!
Matangini Hazra
Such persistence and bravery to be combined in the same person is a rarity, but to have these in such a dangerous time for revolutionaries makes for a truly outstanding woman!
Michael Madhusudan Dutta
It amazes me that such lyrical versatility existed at any one point in time in the same man. The tumultuous nature of his personality, and life, combined with his genius made him someone well-worth remembering.
The Black Queen, piece 7
Nguyen meets an unfortunate but heroic end in defense of his village. Suddenly, the story takes a turn elsewhere and elsewhen with a chess game victory by a young woman named MarĂ­a. What will follow next chapter? I can’t wait, but I shall if I must!
Nice twist!
How fate was outwitted 3
Raghu continues Vidyadhar’s adventure, after his graduation from his guru’s tutelage, to his return after the demise of his old Guru and gurukul. He encounters his old Guru’s son Sunandan caught in a bad trade deal, and approaches him… How will this go?
None is the sound that came around*
Dom gives us a verse on fatigue, and the sleep that follows a slow day giving way to night. Nice one!
BP relates their views on those who push their perspectives, likes and dislikes onto others unsolicited. Give it some hush, O Pushy Ones!
Here a pot there a pot*
Lovely image by Sherri, reminiscent to me of some fractal art I’ve seen, even a few I’ve made myself, but very different in nature and detail. It definitely stands out!
Horror and Hope
Null gives those things about his country that frighten him on the one hand, and inspires him on the other hand. Brief but succinct.
Hemdiva gives here both image and verse, both well-executed, the latter skillfully written and to the point!
Treats of the Month*
Here we have a brightly colored digital painting showing a bird alighting on someone’s outstretched hand. Good balance of tones!
A new dance style worth looking at. I’ll have to look for performances both online and off. Maybe my local library has something on it with enough juicy detail to savor the art in fuller detail than the Internet!
Mala Chandrasekhar
I love carnatic music! Here is an artist I must check out online. I’ll look for recordings of her music, both downloads and streaming! A good pick for the curious!
Ashar Recipe: Bhindi Bhaji
Ooh! I’ve never had lady fingers before, so this will be a treat once I master cooking it properly! I’ll try adding tomato to it, and see how that compares with the tomatoes-free version!
17 Bengali and Hindi
On the passing of night, and the immutability of the past, these are verse well worth remembering!
This shows a man in silhouette praying toward Mecca. In two shades of green, with a pale crescent Moon, this one has a nice balance of contrast and shades!
On this month’s festivals, that reminds me, that I must look out for vids of Rath Yatra’s Puri celebration, as that’s always a spectacle!
Pieces of Past: Guru Nanak:
Here is described the life of the founder of Sikhism. In my own country, to its shame, there is mistreatment of Sikhs by ignorant Americans who equate any brown person wearing a turban with, in their benighted and foolish minds, terrorism. Pheh! I’m more worried about extremist American militias with more guns than sense, not Muslims, or Sikhs!
The Saurus Pun 2
A cute little digital painting/cartoon on grammar pedants! Grammar Nazis is more like it, Godwin’s Law be darned!
So, this is it for the month, and I’ll see you for another critique in the next! And as always, in abbreviated Soruggon,
Tf. Tk. Tts!


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