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black mist and other stories rewritten for Kindle and Createspace

Black Mist and Other Stories


A horrifying story of a vengeful witch, and a bunch of other dark stories from purgatory series, an independent book of short stories in making! Some really, really dark stories with positive endings (for wronged).

This book is for people like me who enjoy a good spook and chill like a daily cup of tea, coffee. The title story is the only story that is common with the previous edition of this book, others are new. But just like the first edition the inner shade of this book is dark too, most of the stories in it are dark. About witches, demons and un-deads who drain livings so they could live on, tragedies of past that won’t rest… and a few more strokes of darkness for you! Brace yourself of extreme human darkness mingled with supernatural before proceeding.


The Black Mist and other Stories: Review:

By Troy David Loy


This is a collection of stories of distinctly Indian flavor, dealing with often dire

supernatural beings of a spiritual nature. Below I briefly note each story:


The Black Mist:

Mitesh has a new real estate purchase in an abandoned village, and a dire legend

surrounding the locale, of a witch out for blood and souls. It doesn't end well for Mitesh at all . . . I liked this one, a nice start for a collection of this sort.


The Attic:

Ritwik and his family have moved into a new home . . . one with a dire history, and a mysterious intruder who enters the home even with the strictest security measures. They soon discover said dire history, ending on a terrifying note.


The Protest:

Sima is seeing ghosts while incarcerated under a life sentence in prison. Jailed for

serious criminal offenses, only she can see her ghosts, the ghosts of her victims,

though her jailers think her mad. The ghosts, though, have a purpose of their own!


The Doomed:

Chinmayee and Pradyumna witness slaves and their drivers in Mughal dress. They

soon discover the secret of the town's history, reenacted by the ghosts of the past!


Don't Waste Our Time:

Death's deputies are going nuts. Induced near death experiences in recreational test subjects are causing problems with the reaping of souls. So the Reapers have a clever plan, one that puts a damper in these would-be tourists of the afterlife...


Jewels of Madhulipi:

Bidisha comes to live in a haunted house, with a persistent ancestor spirit who has something important to show her. This one has a more pleasant ending than the previous, but fits the theme of the book well.


The College Trip:

Prema brings home a souvenir from an outing with fellow students, an evil souvenir, a passenger of sorts that makes her very, very ill. This one too ends on a happier note, concluding this collection with the defeat of evil and the triumph of life.


Sharmishtha Basu is a prolific writer, digital painter, blogger, and current resident of Kolkata, West Bengal, India. She has written an astonishing number of poems, stories, and commentary on things Indian over the years. She authors and moderates her own Ezines Agnishatdal and Agnijaat. She has produced a wide range of images to illustrate her works, and has published at least twenty-six book-length collections of her writings and images to date. [Troy D. Loy]


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