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Agnishatdal Shraban 1428 July 2021 critique by SB


Agnishatdal Shraban 1428 July 2021


Critique by SB

Agnishatdal Shraban 1428 July 2021 critique by SB

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By your good old editor! Few simple words about the works of my much cherished authors! So the critiques will be honest, short and sweet.

If you listen by Scott Hastie: Beautifully spoken truth, our spirit is always trying to guide us to the right path. All we have to do is listen to it!

Ye reap…2 by saptarchi: Anyone with brain could guess that people who instigate riots can’t be good leaders but Indians don’t understand these petty things and suffer decade after decade.

Fogline by Brieuc Martin Onraet 16: Beautiful and touching piece of Fogline, these little gestures of human beings warm up soul. These are the incidents that remind us there is a nice percentage of good people, not all have gone to dogs.

The dawn of data abstraction by Vasu Srinivasan translated by Raghunathan Kuppuswamy: Wise guy, he certainly had his points. Very interesting explanation though! It was a little hard to understand, no wonder the king fined him.

Crawling by Troy David Loy: Another fascinating piece, wonder what will happen next time! The way Troy writes about alien worlds is amazing!

Seek and ye shall be blind… by Dom Collucci: A journey into a very special moment of enlightenment. It is filled with the blessing of that moment.

Bitter Pill dose 45 by We are safe 2: Very good questions. The problem is why is not majority of the country not asking these questions openly and throwing these bums out of parliament!

Gillu by Manju Balkrishna: Enchanting. Really well written story of a lovely bond between the narrator and a baby squirrel! The love that has been expressed in this story has given it a magical touch.

Dream Angel by Pat Ritters 1: A great piece of writing from Pat’s childhood. It is interesting how our teachers can see the talent in us when we can’t see them or are too humble to accept that.

I believe that will be it for my critique as an editor, you will have to read the rest in Ezine. Of course there is truckloads of more works there!


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