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Patreon June 2021 critique by Labanya



Patreon June 2021 critique by Labanya

Patreon June

Hello there! Hope things are well there, here things are nice, can’t say very bad, even though they look very grim.

I have just finished reading the June bunch of Patreon books created/written by Sharmishtha Basu, sharing my honest opinion about them, hoping they will bring a few much needed patrons her way!

If you want them for free you will have to critique the Ezines for a year, loyally and faithfully, if you critique them for a year and send the critiques to Sharmishtha she will give you these five books for free next year. You can go on for years, I plan to!

1. Agnilipi [writing/letter of fire]: It contains 10 gorgeous photographs taken by Sharmishtha Basu. They are pleasing and pretty to my eyes. My favorite is the first shot of flamingo catching fish, next is the light mauve flower.

2. Agnipat [portrait of fire]: It contains 10 awesome paintings of birds, I just loved them all. The benebou pix were extra gorgeous.

3. Agnimalya [garland of fire]: This month the book contains a set of supernatural stories, only one is not supernatural. I enjoyed each and every one of them.

4. Coming Kingdom: It was a great read. Mixed platter, some were supernatural and some were not. Rather enjoyed the stories with a little quirky fun and twist.

5. SBPnB [Sharmishtha Basu’s Pen n Brush]: It contains 10 illustrated poems, the paintings are pretty and the poems are really good

Will return next month with critiques, till then stay safe!

yours truly,


It is my pseudonym and I write for Sharmishtha only, I really don’t have any plans of writing for anyone else at present, if I do I will start using my real name! If you like my works you can always send a few lines to Sharmishtha or write them as comments, she will tell me.


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